I think there's another weakness in business school education besides siloed departmental faculties that contributes to the schism between stats and strategy. I've noticed for years that there's a heavy bias towards quantitative over qualitative market research techniques. After all, quant studies look and feel
RIGOROUS with lots of numbers, equations, statistics, and the all-important Greek letter symbols! Macho academics are quants, not voyeurs!
In contrast, observational research is considered so, well... amateurish. I spend considerable time in my 2nd-year strategy capstone course clarifying the common misunderstanding of Steve Jobs' famous quote " I never rely on market research. Our task is to read things that aren’t yet on the page."
It's not that Apple did'nt utilize market research... they just utilized ethnographic/observational studies to drive their design thinking processes, which is a heck of a lot more relevant for new product development.